A support group for all those who really need to know themselves and their hidden (brain) identity. If you are among one-transegender-mtf or ftm, transvestite (mtf or ftm), hijra eunuch/aravani/ corssdress fetish, klinefletre patient (XXY, XXXY etc), patient with androgen insensitivity syndrome or other issues of all sort, you can contact us.
We will provide you support )advice, guidance) to attain a better understanding of your real identity,to solve your issues.
We could also provide you advice from a medical practitioner soon.
You are just one step ahead.
Do contact on the following links.
your a brief description of your issue/ about you to any of the above links so that we could identify you when you send a joining request to community-anthara.
Now you could send the joining request to - community "antara"
Once you are in you could contact us and investigate yourself.
Regards to all.
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